I don’t post enough of him. He’s my big soft boy. He has a super bad crush on Josephine. He loves giving nugs squishes and he is quietly spoken with a slight lisp. Adenkar will always be my one and true Qunari Inquisitor. The first time I played him he was a Mage, but this time? Rogue / Dual Dagger and he’s doing swimmingly.

Silverius Adaar

  • 50 years old
  • Commander of his Mercenary Group
  • Mage (specializes in ice magic)
  • Not Qun Friendly

(I forgot to post him the other day for you @kaaras-adaar​ and your request for “older Inquisitors”. So here he is. My oldest Inquisitor by far, but I love him. I was just messing around in character creator and decided to keep him and haven’t regretted the choice. He’s always had white hair (it’s not a sign of his age).

I can’t wait to play this guy (Arlo Adaar) in the next couple of days. Made for Cassandra in mind (I always see her with a big bear of a Qunari).Yes he’s named Arlo. He parents wanted to give him a name that was nothing to do with Qun and his Mother had a fondness for old English Thedas names, so Arlo it was.

I’m REALLY, REALLY fond of Qunari, they’re always a pleasure to play. Alright, I’m kinda obsessed with them, but don’t tell anyone.

Qunari Love ❤

~ Revelations ~

“I lied about who I was, but I never lied about what I felt. No matter what I was or what becomes of me, right now, I am just a man with his heart laid bare. I leave it in your hands.” – Blackwall / Thom Rainier