Can I date Hanin ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)🗡️❤️




  • Has the physique of Adonis. Will regularly remove his shirt while sparring. 
  • Maintains eye-contact until right before the kiss, then closes them so he can focus on how you feel. Touch is important to him because he keeps most people at a distance.
  • Good at solving problems. Will help you sort through your thoughts when you feel overwhelmed.
  • Has this amused half-smile that he only shows rarely, but when he does it’s knee-melting. He does it for you more than anyone.
  • Once you start dating, he will always make time for you, even though he seems to always be on the move. 
  • Can get flustered when caught staring at you, but it’s kind of adorable.
  • He is a good listener and a surprisingly good cuddler.
  • Will let you play with his hair, although he’ll probably just stroke/run his fingers through yours.


  • Spends so much time training that he sometimes forgets to eat. Has been known to collapse because he refuses to rest when sick.
  • Crippling emotional issues – will probably take a very long time to actually open up to you. 
  • Gets stuck in his ways. Finds change quite difficult to deal with and takes time to warm to new things.
  • Initially comes across as detached and stoic, and will make you feel like you’re bothering him.
  • Obsessed with duty and considers every failure a deep personal flaw.
  • Gives everyone bedroom eyes without meaning to. It’s just how his face works.
  • Rarely removes all of his armour. Sleeps with his weapon always within reach. Will not negotiate this.
  • You will need to adopt his 5 adult children. Do not try to force him to choose between you or his squad.