

Inktober Day 7–Rosie Cadash

I love Rosie so much and I loved loved drawing her. She’s a sweetheart ❤ ❤

Oh heck I forgot to tag who she belongs to! Rosie is @wardenofmyheart’s lovely Inquisitor!

Why did I not see this before!!!!!! Gosh. I love this so much. I’m thrilled!!!

“He always smells good. He’s the only Warden I know that could honestly boast such a thing. Even after a good fight, Patch smells like he’s just stepped out of one of the finest perfumed oil shops in Orlais. I guess that Seeker doesn’t mind it either, she tries to act aloof about their whole relationship, but he could charm the horns off of a Qunari, he’ll charm her too I’m sure. As a Warden, he’s the best scout I’ve ever had. He can find out shit that no one else could find out. Handy skill that is when doing our more….how should I put this…..delicate missions. He came from a good family in

Orzammar. Found himself in a spot of trouble, joined the Wardens. He’s been under my command for three years now. He’s also our medic….we called him Patch in the beginning and I guess it stuck.”

– Senior Grey Warden Rosie on Warden Patch Thodin

“What can I say about Hux? She’s a breath of fresh air to our sometimes tired and worn down group. She’s always happy and not in that annoying way. I can’t tell you the times we’ve stopped to help some lost child, or how she’s nursed an injured nug back to health. She’s got a big heart that one. With all the dark and twisted shit we see, Hux has a smile ready to go every morning. She’s young, not jaded by her new life, not yet. I remember feeling like that in the beginning. She found her Sera though, through this whole Inquisition mess. Everyone should feel love like that. Even Wardens deserve warmth in a world that’s not always kind.”

– Senior Grey Warden Rosie Cadash on Warden Huxley Bristleborn

“How did I meet Rubyjaw? Down in the Deep Roads, looking for some Warden….or should I say his remains, for his family. She wasn’t doing well with the Legion and running out of options. I ran into their group one day down there. Her commanding officer basically begged me to take her. She couldn’t go back home, she was already dead to them. The Wardens might be interested, and we were. Dotty works better alone. Best damn sniper I’ve ever come across. She’ll sit in the rain, her own piss or sweltering heat to make her kill. You can’t teach that kind of focus, it’s in you. When you get to know her, she’s fucking hilarious. Smart as too.“

– Senior Grey Warden Rosie Cadash on Warden Dotty Rubyjaw

“The Deep Roads has never been a favorite place of mine. I don’t fear the Calling, I don’t fear the Darkspawn and everything else dark and twisted that lives down here. I’m just not fond of places where you can’t see the sky and feel the sunlight on your face. Odd for a Grey Warden to admit, maybe odder for a Dwarf to say such things. I know I’ll die down here eventually, but for the love of Andraste, please don’t let it be today.”

– Rosie Cariland Cadash, Senior Grey Warden / Inquisitor

Your dominant hues are red and yellow… most of what you do is motivated by your need to change things and have a good time, but you’ve been known to settle down and think out a situation, too. You tend to surprise people just when they’re starting to feel like they’ve got you down.

Your saturation level is very high – you are all about getting things done. The world may think you work too hard but you have a lot to show for it, and it keeps you going. You shouldn’t be afraid to lead people, because if you’re doing it, it’ll be done right.

Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.

You’ve got a way to keep me on your side
You give me cause for love that I can’t hide
For you I know I’d even try to turn the tide

Because you’re mine, I walk the line
Because you’re mine, I walk the line