What Kind of Friend is Your OC?

I was tagged by the delightful @cullenvhenan ❤

Rosie could count on one hand the people she truly considers to be a friend. She is not easy to get to know and she tends to throw walls up quickly if she thinks your intentions don’t match up with your words. This has caused a lot of missed opportunities for her in the past, offending people with her aloofness, gruff responses and missing out on some healthy and rewarding friendships. 

If you can get past all of that though, she’s a loyal, soft-hearted and supportive friend. She is fiercely protective of those closest to her and at times that’s gotten her into trouble. She’ll defend you until the cows come home if she feels you have been unjustly accused. Rosie is the kind of friend that will help you move houses on a cold, rainy day. She’s the friend that will haul your drunk butt home in the middle of the night. She’s the friend that would lay her life down for you if needed (and has done in the past).

Being a Senior Grey Warden affords her little time to build on relationships. She surrounds herself with her close knit group of men and women who she leads into battles and situations where they might not return. There’s a foundation of trust and *they’ve got my back* she rarely finds outside of these people. Tomas is her best-friend and Blackwall/Thom her lover and her safe person. She holds both of these people near and dear to her heart and won’t think twice about sticking you with an arrow if you insult them.

TAGGING: @gugle1980, @space-vashoth, @red-wardens, @fuckthetemplars, @sassylavellen and @underthedreadwolfsgaze

~ Thom Rainier ~

  • Participated in Grand Tourney
  • Former captain of Orlesian army
  • Known for murder, treason
  • Also known for impersonating a Grey Warden (Warden-Constable Blackwall, Val Chevin)
  • Member of Inquisition, played role in the defeat of Corypheus
  • Status: Recruited.
  • Joining: Survived.
  • Assignment: Free Marches, Vimmark Mountains, reporting to Warden Cadash in ongoing investigation of Vimmark Prison.

Just you know why
Why you and I
Will bye and bye
Know true love ways

Sometimes we’ll sigh
Sometimes we’ll cry
And we’ll know why
Just you and I
Know true love ways


I’d go hungry; I’d go black and blue
And I’d go crawling down the avenue
No, there’s nothing that I wouldn’t do
To make you feel my love

The storms are raging on the rolling sea
And on the highway of regret
The winds of change are blowing wild and free
You ain’t seen nothing like me yet

I could make you happy, make your dreams come true
There’s nothing that I wouldn’t do
Go to the ends of this Earth for you
To make you feel my love, oh yes
To make you feel my love



▶Name ➡

Rosie Cariland Cadash.

▶Are you single ➡ Single before the Conclave.

▶Are you happy ➡ Yes.

▶Are you angry ➡ Prone to a temper from time to time.

▶Are your parents still married ➡ Parents are dead.

▶Birth place ➡ Free Marches.
▶Hair colour ➡ Red hair don’t care.
▶Eye colour ➡ Green.
▶Birthday ➡ I have no idea of my birth date. Born 9.11 Dragon.
▶Mood ➡ Melancholic and Mindful.
▶Gender ➡ Female.
▶Summer or Winter ➡ Winter.
▶Morning or afternoon ➡ Afternoon.
▶Dreams/Goals ➡ living the best (happiest) life for what time I have left.

▶Are you in love ➡ Yes.
▶Do you believe in love at first sight ➡ No.
▶Who ended your last relationship ➡ I did.
▶Have you ever broken someone’s heart ➡ Never.
▶Are you afraid of commitments ➡ No.
▶Have you hugged someone the last week ➡ Thom. Multiple times.
▶Have you ever had a secret admirer ➡ Are you kidding?!
▶Have you ever broken your own heart ➡ Yes. More than once.

▶Love or Lust ➡ Love.
▶Lemonade or Iced Tea ➡ Iced Tea….but beer….always beer.
▶Cats or Dogs ➡ Dogs.
▶A few best friends or many regular friends ➡ Regular friends.
▶Wild night out or romantic night In ➡ I like both!
▶Day or Night ➡ Night.

▶Been caught sneaking out ➡ No….I’’m a rogue….
▶Fallen down/up the stairs ➡ Yes….short legs, big steps.
▶ Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt ➡ Of course!
▶Wanted to disappear ➡ I’m a rogue……
▶Thought about marriage ➡ Only recently.

▶Smile or eyes ➡ Smile.
▶Shorter or Taller ➡ Are you seriously asking me this?!
▶Intelligence or Attraction ➡ I like smarts.
▶ Hook-up or Relationship ➡ Relationship.

▶Do you and your family get along ➡ All my family are dead.
▶Would you say you have a “messed up life” ➡ Yes.
▶Have you ever ran away from home ➡ Yes.
▶Have you ever gotten kicked out ➡ Yes.

▶Do you recently hate one of your friends ➡ Yes.
▶Do you consider all of your friends good friends ➡ Some, yes.
▶Who is your best friend ➡ Thom, Dotty, Tom and Hux.
▶Who knows everything about you ➡ Thom, Tom and Dotty.

I tag: @cullenvhenan, @star–nymph, @sassylavellen, @gugle1980, @space-vashoth

Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!


Bow of Artifice

  • Item Level: 23
  • DPS: 246 (with Corrupting Rune)
  • Damage: 168
  • Upgrade Slots: None
  • Rune: Corrupting


  • +50 Damage Vs Living (Rune)
  • +42% Critical Chance

  • +6% Stagger on Hit
  • On Hit – Chance that elemental mines spawn around your target


This bow has several odd modifications. The upper limb is covered in little switches that make sounds like irritated birds. The risers are full of compartments containing different kinds of sand. The sight window has been carved with an exploded diagram of an animal trap, and the grip contains four buttons that make the bow change colors. Whoever did all this clearly had a lot of spare time.

Reblogging for time difference ❤️

Bow of Artifice

  • Item Level: 23
  • DPS: 246 (with Corrupting Rune)
  • Damage: 168
  • Upgrade Slots: None
  • Rune: Corrupting


  • +50 Damage Vs Living (Rune)
  • +42% Critical Chance

  • +6% Stagger on Hit
  • On Hit – Chance that elemental mines spawn around your target


This bow has several odd modifications. The upper limb is covered in little switches that make sounds like irritated birds. The risers are full of compartments containing different kinds of sand. The sight window has been carved with an exploded diagram of an animal trap, and the grip contains four buttons that make the bow change colors. Whoever did all this clearly had a lot of spare time.