I made my Warden tonight. I think I got a good likeness. Saya was my first Warden and though romanced Alistair, would not be his mistress. She’s my grumpy Dalish Elf and her grumps translate even into DA:I. Or maybe she’s just a 100% done with Thedas and it’s shit.

Grey Warden Tomas Reidak – Ferelden Griffon

Tom’s father was a Grey Warden and a Mage. He fell in love with her mother, Lilly, who he met in the Deep Roads. When Tomas was born she was taken from her mother and raised in Weisshaupt Fortress. Her abilities as a Mage slowly revealed themselves as she grew, safe within the walls of the Fortress and away from Templar eyes. The Grey Wardens trained her as a Rogue first and foremost and combined her skills as an assassin with her unique abilities in magic. With the veil damaged her powers have become more amplified and harder to mask. Along with Senior Grey Warden, Rosie Cadash and the Ferelden Griffons, they will seek out whoever is behind Divine Justinia’s death. And for now, she has safety within the Inquisition.