
  1. Ahead of Myself
  2. The Words

  3. Hearts Don’t Break Around Here
  4. Next to Me
  5. Can’t See Straight
  6. Beneath Your Beautiful
  7. Be Still

  8. I Touch Myself
  9. I Love You Will Still Sound The Same

  10. Kiss Like Your Kiss
  11. Bonfire Heart

  12. I Found You
  13. Forever Starts Today

  14. I Get To Love You
  15. Until You Came Along
  16. Best Friend


Finally got round to changing the picture to my Tom and Cullen ❤


~ Freckles and Vitaar ~

They call these markings “vitaar,” which in their tongue means “poison armor.” It’s called this because the markings are magical in nature and actually harden their skin to an iron-like quality without hindering flexibility, and my analysis says the paint consists largely of poison. It’s mixed with something else—blood, perhaps their own?—and that neutralizes the poison, but only for one with Qunari physiology. Anyone else would perish almost instantly (which reminds me: I’ll kindly require another body slave). The process activates the magical qualities of the poison, which provides the protective effects, almost in the same manner that lyrium runes do.

– From a letter written by Nameria Origanus, apprentice to Magister Varas, Dragon 9:32.


All of the lights land on you
The rest of the world fades from view
And all of the love I see
Please please say you feel it too
And all of the noise I hear inside
Restless and loud, unspoken and wild
And all that you need to say
To make it all go away
It’s that you feel the same way too

And I know
The scariest part is letting go
‘Cause love is a ghost you can’t control
I promise you the truth can’t hurt us now
So let the words slip out of your mouth



Chapter Six – Digesting the Family Tree


“You are hungry?”

After sitting together in the dimly lit room for nearly two hours his question had broken the silence.

“No, no I’m not” Louise coolly replied. She wouldn’t admit to anything, not to him. They often thought of Humans as lesser/weaker, she wouldn’t let him have that over her.

The Vulcan raised a single eyebrow, he seemed puzzled by her answer.

“I will ask again, are you hungry?”

Louise sighed in frustration. “Why do you ask?”

“The noises emanating from your digestive system indicate hunger. I can provide you with food if it is required.”

“I’m fine.” Louise replied firmly.

“Fine has variable definitions, fin……..”

She interrupted him “I’M FINE!”

Keep reading

Reblog for time difference.