


i never talk about these things but i can’t remain silent.

i know tumblr doesn’t give a SHIT when things happen in countries outside the “most popular ones” (such as the usa & england). it’s true, don’t lie to me. y’all don’t give A FUCK. not every issue and problem in said countries gets the appropriate exposure but in general shit shows up on the news WORLD FREAKING  WIDE. you set up donations, you help out, your spread the word, you say “pray for x”……

southern europe is burning. 

my country is burning.

people are dying – at home, on the road, trying to run away, in their cars.

yesterday my country had 300 active fires.

people are losing EVERYTHING they own.

i have a friend that is on a train right now passing through places that have been burnt to the ground and she says the smoke is so intense it’s getting inside the train and she can barely breathe.

and yet, even though several people (myself included) have been trying to bring awareness to what has been happening in southern europe… what we get from most of you, those not part of the countries suffering, is silence. we don’t ask for money, we don’t ask for shit other than a reblog to spread awareness… something you can delete in 24/48hrs if you wish. 

i don’t know what to tell you. i’m angry. i’m frustrated. i’m disappointed. i feel like i’m screaming into the void. “a reblog does nothing” – you know that’s a damn lie, you know exposure always helps, you know people start paying attention when posts on social media become popular. my country in particular is a small one, we get ZERO exposure. y’all are only starting to figure out we even fucking exist bc of the shit we’ve been winning lately. 

but hell, if the EU doesn’t give a shit, why should some user on tumblr dot com?

again, i don’t know what to tell you so i’ll let the images speak for themselves: 


An image captured by a Nasa satellite shows a thick plume of smoke blowing southward from the Greek island of Chios over the island of Crete


Torneros de Jamuz, Spain


Duca, Croatia


A helicopter from Italy’s civil protection service drops water on a fire near the railway between Venice and Trieste


Residents take refuge on the beach as a wildfire burns on the mountain next to the village of Lithi, on the Greek island of Chios


Men gather cattle during a forest fire in Vieira de Leiria, Marinha Grande, Portugal.


Charred trees are seen on the hills above the Cloister of Thivaidas on Mount Athos, a World Heritage Site in Greece




This is fucking important. I am glad someone fucking spoke about this and said what they had to say. The damage is terrible, and all the evergreen, stone, even the ground is black. I was fucking terrified when Croatia was burning. The fire was near a village where I like and I thought it will burn down. I thought the church will burn down. I thought the cemetery where my grandpa is buried will burn. I still remember the smell of smoke, and when I went to check how bad is fire, my clothes and hair and skin all stunk of smoke. It didn’t go away for weeks.

This is NASA’s picture of Croatia and Montenegro burning. My fucking country was burning. Fucking reblog this. I don’t care that it isn’t UK or US, or that it doesn’t go with your blog, fucking. Reblog. It.

Not my blog type, I dont care.

As a country that always gets horrifying bush fires every year, this shit is REAL. It’s awful, it destroys communities, lives and the environment it burns to the ground. Please reblog for awareness.


This bush fire in South Australia (my home state) was devastating and we’ve had worse than this in the past (Ash Wednesday). It’s not easy to fight these fires, they consume everything and anyone in their path. At times it’s impossible to outrun them. Smoke is constantly in the air, you can’t always evacuate with your animals or beloved mementos. You literally have no time at all. PLEASE REBLOG. Spread awareness. My god, you’ll reblog about someone’s dying pet etc…..why not this?


~ Thom Rainier ~

  • Participated in Grand Tourney
  • Former captain of Orlesian army
  • Known for murder, treason
  • Also known for impersonating a Grey Warden (Warden-Constable Blackwall, Val Chevin)
  • Member of Inquisition, played role in the defeat of Corypheus
  • Status: Recruited.
  • Joining: Survived.
  • Assignment: Free Marches, Vimmark Mountains, reporting to Warden Cadash in ongoing investigation of Vimmark Prison.


All of the lights land on you
The rest of the world fades from view
And all of the love I see
Please please say you feel it too
And all of the noise I hear inside
Restless and loud, unspoken and wild
And all that you need to say
To make it all go away
It’s that you feel the same way too

And I know
The scariest part is letting go
‘Cause love is a ghost you can’t control
I promise you the truth can’t hurt us now
So let the words slip out of your mouth















*turns chair around and sits down in it cool style* hey. Elves


Elves, man.

reblog this and add your elf

these are my two, baelfire and k’nai




Okay, here is Rufus 😉


I heard the word elves and brought my elfiest elf to the party

You said elves?











Negative OC Traits


I got tagged by @adahlenlavellan ! Thanks 😀

Bold = always applies Italics = sometimes 

Felan Surana

aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic| self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful


Dinassan Andrale of Clan Lavellan

aggressive | arrogant | authoritarian | bitter | brutal | callous | cannibal | careless | cold/cold-hearted | compulsive | controlling | corrects others constantly | cowardly | critical | cruel | delusional | demanding | disillusioned | domineering | envious | emotionally stunted | greedy | grim | guarded | hard | harsh | hypocritical | impatient | impolite | intimidating | irritable | kidnapper | lazy | liar | lustful | materialistic | mean | merciless | messianic | mistrusting | murderer  (He is an assassin..?) | narrow-minded | obsessive | opinionated | over-bearing | over-critical | over-emotional | over-thinking | patronizing | proud | remote | repressed | rigid | rules with an iron fist | ruthless | sarcastic | self-righteous | self-indulgent | serial killer | taciturn | torturer | touchy | traitorous | unsympathetic | unpredictable | uptight | vain | vengeful

I´m gonna tag…
@ironbullsmissingeye @tiredtabris @bloodmagesurana @tssoni @meliciousintent
If you guys wanna do it, of course~

I love both of these two right now and look at Dinassan’s sweet little smile.

Reblog this post with a pic of your most gorgeous Inquisitor















Just fuc k in g do it

mariya is so pretty too i cant believe i forgot

i love my girl Cyriel


Faravel Lavellan (The above inquisitor’s boyfriend, actually. 💕)


The only picture I have of him but…. 😀

Hard to tell from this pic in the weird Fade green, but he has grey eyes that are striking during closeups.

Aodhan is the most classically good-looking of my Inquisitors.  Look at that handsome ginger.

I draw Imira with custom vallaslin so this is slightly inaccurate but she is still a Hot Mom 10/10

Eli Lavellan version 2.0

Tamlen my boy

Hallalin Lavellan, one of my babes. 

Siddha Trevelyan

Sam Lavellan

Bear Adaar

Kosh Adaar


Got tagged by @blackswan-sims​ for the favourite simblrs
thingy! THANK YOU SO MUCH, DEAR! *______* I love your blog too, your
sims and your style are awesome ❤

Also, as a “thank you”
(and because I don’t think I’ve actually ever done any of these
things before), I decided to do a “favourite simblrs/follow forever”
sort of thing.

Please know that this is not
complete: I’m pretty sure that I forgot A TON of names, so if your name
is not listed here, please keep in mind that it is not because I hate you or
whatever. I love each and every of my followers, I love talking to you
guys and if I forgot to put you in here is because I have the
memory span of a goldfish D:

Since this is pretty long
(and also to make it less annoying to anyone who doesn’t like these type
of things), I put my list under a cut. Alphabetical order and so on.

Keep reading

I must have missed this. Thank you for the mention ❤ It is most kind of you. I too love your Simblr and the wonderful custom content you gift the community with.