
After loosing all of my data I’ve tried to recreate Lyria’s looks as best as I could and I think she turned out quite well. I think I overdid it a bit with the lip thickness, but whenever I want to go to the black emporium, my game crashes 😦 I’ve changed Lyria’s eyecolour to white, because it’s closer to what I imagine her eyes to look like on the surface. I hope one day there’ll be a mod that will allow me to give her milky pupils. Another thing that’s new is that I’ve added a hair texture mod. I think it looks great.


~ Thom Rainier ~

  • Participated in Grand Tourney
  • Former captain of Orlesian army
  • Known for murder, treason
  • Also known for impersonating a Grey Warden (Warden-Constable Blackwall, Val Chevin)
  • Member of Inquisition, played role in the defeat of Corypheus
  • Status: Recruited.
  • Joining: Survived.
  • Assignment: Free Marches, Vimmark Mountains, reporting to Warden Cadash in ongoing investigation of Vimmark Prison.