

She might also be considered hideous, but all the better! Given that her LI is significantly older than her, I would rather have her disprove the trophy wife stereotype.

Oh noes, all you lovely folks are probably reblogging her under the assumption that she is a Solavellan :O

She’s simply adorable. I hope we set more of her soon ❤


Warden Constable Steward Felrielen “Fe” of Ferelden

Orphan | Orlesian | City Elf | Dalish Elf | Warden

Can I keep my hero on the ground
You’re like a bird
Gone with the cold winds

Where did you
Mystery man
I will not lose you now
‘Cause we surpass
The universe

who are you?

Big giant thank you to @wardenofmyheart for these lovely screenies of my boy Fe! I love them so much and she is always super considerate and wonderful to work with 🙂 ❤


Rynn Cadash

Name: Rynn Cadash ( DW Rogue | Artificer)

Romance: n/a

Age: 29 (prologue)



Conscripts the mages

Gaspard is sole ruler

Exiles the Wardens

Doesn’t perform Elven ritual

Drinks from Well

Cassandra is Divine

Inquisition not disbanded

Vows to stop Solas at all costs


Bio: Rynn is said to paint her lips with the blood of her foes and line her lids with their ashes. She’s fairly selfish and usually does what will benefit her most. As soon as possible, she wants to leave the Inquisition and go back to being a Carta enforcer. It isn’t until Blackwall reveals his past that she realizes she can change and become a better person. 

Fun Fact: Her mother’s name is Rihannon and she is the oldest of three. Her father was killed in an incident with the Carta