OC Described by Companions Meme


Tagged by @pazithigallifreya

Here are the rules:

  • Describe your OC as they are described by your companions.
  • Show us what they look like!
  • Tag at least 5 (or more) followers and 5 blogs you follow! šŸ™‚
  • Enjoy writing! :}

I donā€™t want to pressure anybody into doing this, so therefore I tag whomever thinks this looks interesting šŸ˜‰

Inquisitor Lyria of the Sha-Lyuzar

Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast

ā€œThe Inquisitor is our leader, our herald, the chosen of Andraste. I believe this with all of my heart. If you knew her, you would, too. I will follow her to the Fade and back if I have toā€.

Varric Tethras

ā€œThinking about where the kidā€™s from makes my head spin. I donā€™t wanna know those things. If I werenā€™t shit-scared of the deep roads before, I certainly am now. I didnā€™t want to talk to her at first. Her kind makes me uncomfortable. And her obsession with lyrium is troubling to say the least. But you know what, I warmed up to her. Sheā€™s been through all this shit, and she came out on top against all odds. I wouldnā€™t want to be in her shoes, but that kid is alright. I donā€™t want to give her a hard time for her weirder qualitiesā€.

Magister Dorian Pavus

ā€œA dwarf from the deep roads leading one of the most powerful institutions of Thedas, it seems like a punchline, doesnā€™t it? But she proved the ominousĀ ā€œthemā€ wrong, didnā€™t she. She charmed her way right into the good graces of most of Orlais and Ferelden. Trust me, that is not an easy feat, Iā€™ve tried. Lyria is fascinating. I wish I could write down everything she has to say of her homeland, or should I say, home-tunnel? I have an old colleague in Minrathous, whoā€™d pay a fortune to study her. Sheā€™s like a relic from the past, plopped right in front of us. Oh, you seem trustworthy, be our leader please? Thatā€™s how things in the South are doneā€.

Scout Lace Harding

ā€œThe inquisitor is amazing. Sheā€™s gorgeous and witty and has a really dry sense of humor. At first she was this figure we all looked up to, but then I got to know her, andā€¦ sheā€™s just like us, trying to figure out how to survive and clean up this mess. Iā€™ve spent a lot of time with her and, sheā€™s so different when youā€™re alone with her. She seems so delicate and fragile, I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her Iā€™m thereā€¦ forget that last bit, please. Nobody can know of thatā€.


Nurnour Cadash, Carta pirate and (unbeknownst to her) estranged daughter of the Lady Ailie Aeducan.

Abandoned by house Aeducanā€™s servants on a poverty-stricken surfacerā€™s doorstep, Nurnour was handed to and fro between Carta groups as soon as she became old enough to make herself useful as a thief. Well aware from her earliest childhood that she had no natural family to come to her rescue, Nurnour developed a harsh and self-preserving persona which earned her a place as a mate in the Carta fleet by the age of twenty.Ā 

An excellent swordswoman and a talented strategist, Nurnour still retains the youthful overambition which led her to mount a daring raid on the Conclave ā€“ and the fate of those who followed her into it still haunts her.