I made my Warden tonight. I think I got a good likeness. Saya was my first Warden and though romanced Alistair, would not be his mistress. She’s my grumpy Dalish Elf and her grumps translate even into DA:I. Or maybe she’s just a 100% done with Thedas and it’s shit.

Qunari : Adenkar Adaar : Mage : Speciality – Rift Mage

Gulliver Trevelyan: His Family History

Originating in the dual walled Free Marcher city of Ostwick, the Trevelyans are a noble house noted for their piety and connections within the Chantry and the Templar Order. Younger members of the family are often expected to follow a career in service of the Chantry either as a member of the Chantry itself or as a Templar, regardless of their personal feelings or motivations. Many members of the family presently serve as members of the chantry and the Trevelyans are reliably on a first name basis with most of the Chantry in Ostwick.

The Trevelyans have relatives among the nobility of Nevarra and the Tevinter Imperium, including House Pavus. The Trevelyans also maintain a relationship with the Montilyet family of Antiva.