
~ Freckles and Vitaar ~

They call these markings “vitaar,” which in their tongue means “poison armor.” It’s called this because the markings are magical in nature and actually harden their skin to an iron-like quality without hindering flexibility, and my analysis says the paint consists largely of poison. It’s mixed with something else—blood, perhaps their own?—and that neutralizes the poison, but only for one with Qunari physiology. Anyone else would perish almost instantly (which reminds me: I’ll kindly require another body slave). The process activates the magical qualities of the poison, which provides the protective effects, almost in the same manner that lyrium runes do.

– From a letter written by Nameria Origanus, apprentice to Magister Varas, Dragon 9:32.

“In all the commotion…..forgive me, I don’t believe I ever thanked you for helping me with this.”

~ Josephine Montilyet, to the Inquisitor ~

~ Qunari & Their Horns ~

Most Qunari have horns. The horn itself has no nerve endings and can be removed, however, they can still become irritated, thus the Qunari have developed balm. Most Qunari have one pair of horns, though some Qunari can have two pairs of horns – one big and one small one; the Arishok is the only one to date to have eight horns in total; it is unknown what determines the number of horns or their size. It should be noted that Salit has six horns in total.

~ Adenkar Adaar ~

“I don’t kill that many people" 

"Are you kidding? I’m surprised you didn’t kill anyone just coming over here.”

-The Inquisitor to Dorian and Dorian’s reply.

~ Freckles and Vitaar ~

They call these markings “vitaar,” which in their tongue means “poison armor.” It’s called this because the markings are magical in nature and actually harden their skin to an iron-like quality without hindering flexibility, and my analysis says the paint consists largely of poison. It’s mixed with something else—blood, perhaps their own?—and that neutralizes the poison, but only for one with Qunari physiology. Anyone else would perish almost instantly (which reminds me: I’ll kindly require another body slave). The process activates the magical qualities of the poison, which provides the protective effects, almost in the same manner that lyrium runes do.

– From a letter written by Nameria Origanus, apprentice to Magister Varas, Dragon 9:32.

Adenkar Adaar : Vashoth

Members of the giant race born outside of the Qun are not considered to be Qunari within the Qunari society. They are called “Vashoth”, which means “grey ones”; likewise those who abandon the Qun willingly are known as “Tal-Vashoth”, “true grey ones”. Most Tal-Vashoth are former soldiers and become mercenaries, and are considered by Qunari to be worse than bas – who are non-Qunari.

Qunari : Adenkar Adaar : Mage : Speciality – Rift Mage