Look what arrived today: 

The Lion of Ferelden / Dragon Age Cullen inspired perfume. it smells delicious, actually, it smells just like how the ETSY review describes it:

“Unshaken, it’s nearly medicinal—sharp and green.  My herbal tinctures often smell like this, just an abundance of deep, verdant herbs.  With the elder-flower note brought into the fore, it rounds into a dense floral with an earthy undertone.  It is a golden scent, bright and warm.  There is a sweetness that lingers in the throat, like swallowing a spoonful of honey.

It even has a warm color, an amber brown that may be a bit familiar.

On my skin, the green depth spreads and the edges fill with creamy, sweet notes of milk and caramel.  As it dries, it both softens the honey and deepens the earth: an elder tree in sunny late spring.  

The Lion of Ferelden is sweet to my nose, not powdery or girly, but sweet.  The dry down becomes more unisex and earthy, but it is still a sweet earth.  It’s a delicious scent, one that changes over time, and I like it more the more I wear it.

Imagine sharing Cullen’s bed on a chilly night.  

You massage his shoulders, the tense muscles of his back, with an herbal salve from the healer.  You share a cup of sweet, hot milk.  It always helps him sleep.  

As you both drift off, you smell the salve’s herbal sharpness against his warm skin, and taste the soft, honeyed milk still on his lips”

It is simply divine and I’ll so be getting the Alistair inspired fragrance too 
