“Perhaps it’s odd to say, but, I think of you as a friend, Inquisitor. I have precious few friends, I didn’t think to find one here.”

~ Dorian Pavus, to the Inquisitor

Cullen had the Templar armor altered and gifted it to his beloved Inquisitor. The powers that were held within every stitch, every rivet would surely keep her from harms way.

He found comfort in the fact that no matter how far afield she was, he was with her. It was holding her like he would again, with strong and loving arms when she returned to Skyhold….returned to him.

You tell all the boys no,
Makes you feel good yeah.
I know you’re out of my league,
But that won’t scare me away oh no.
You’ve carried on so long,
You couldn’t stop if you tried it.
You’ve built your wall so high,
That no one could climb it,
But I’m gonna try.

~ music ~

“You stayed behind, you could have…..I will not allow the events at Haven to happen again. You have my word.”

– Cullen Rutherford: Skyhold