
My game finally behaved long enough to allow me to finally make my Cadash Inquisitor! Which I’m honestly so happy about, because after seeing so many of @wardenofmyheart‘s gorgeous Cadash Inquisitors, I was hooked! I needed to make a beautiful badass bearded lady of my own ♥_♥ 

(although it’s less beard and more stubble but what can ya do?)

Anyway, I’ve added her stats to my character page, if you wanna know more about her future alignments, romances, specialties, etc.

She looks amazing!!!! Another Cadash into the fold. I can’t wait to see more of her too.


 Declan Aeducan

– Any nicknames: Declan, Dec, often called Duncan from other wardens

Age: 21

Appearance: Reddish Brown hair and beard with braids. Feminine eyes, he´s a bit conscious about that.

Personality: newly joined warden, still confused by the surface world. prefers fighting with two swords/daggers coated in poison but is a warrior. Becoming a rogue didn´t fit his father’s wishes. Wants to be noble but hasn´t quite grasped the concept yet and is rather pragmatic.he´s still getting accustomed to everything. Don´t touch his beard without asking if you are not something fluffy.

Declan Aeducan mostly loves his beard and secondly his free time. He
knows he’s supposed to act like a Prince, but really, he’s never going
to be the ruler, could as well enjoy live.
He prefers to spend time in bed, not always alone, and loves wandering through all of Orzammar.
This all goes down, when his brother betrays him.
Suddenly has to fight for his very live and is alone.
Duncan takes him to the surface, he is incredibly confused by
everything. The roads make no sense, the sky is all wrong and ever
changing. Duncan has to keep his ass on the right path at least 8 times
until they even reach the other wardens.
Then the battle goes down
south and suddenly Declan is what he never thought he needed to be, a
leader. He becomes bitter sometimes, thinking back to his old life, but
at the same time he appreciates the chance to do something. He had never
expected to get such a chance in his life. And hell if he’s got giving
his best.

Flirting and cooking helps him cope with all the strangeness surrounding him, though he´s never sure what to do when people actually show interest in his flirting. It´s still new, that people are not after his noble blood but maybe actually do like him.


Name: Malika Cadash
Romanced: Had some fun with Adan but they both decided they didn’t like each other enough to want more but sex was okay. Tried to avoid any entanglements, kept things light and tried to keep emotions out of things till she woke up in Varric’s bed one night, they both tried to deny anything happened…even after the fifth and sixth times. Things cooled when Varric went back to Kirkwall after a really awkward (but sweet) hug that lasted a little too long but they kept in touch via letter till Malika started to feel like she might be a replacement Bianca and stopped talking with him. Reconnected after Trespasser when he told her how much he’d missed her, then brought her back to Kirkwall with him to get away from her asshole father and get used to the loss of her hand after everything. 
Besties: Iron Bull, Dorian, Sera, Jim, and Josephine.
Random Factoid: Varric doesn’t remember at first but she actually met him when she was younger, at a meeting her father was having with Bartrand. She got upset about the yelling so Varric tried distracting her by drawing a truly hideous picture of a cat, laughing about how he was better with words, not so much pictures. She still has the drawing tucked away.


(Inquisitor Lavellan)
(Inquisitor Adaar

(Inquisitor Trevelyan
(And here are my Companion/Advisor drawings


Nurnour Cadash, Carta pirate and (unbeknownst to her) estranged daughter of the Lady Ailie Aeducan.

Abandoned by house Aeducan’s servants on a poverty-stricken surfacer’s doorstep, Nurnour was handed to and fro between Carta groups as soon as she became old enough to make herself useful as a thief. Well aware from her earliest childhood that she had no natural family to come to her rescue, Nurnour developed a harsh and self-preserving persona which earned her a place as a mate in the Carta fleet by the age of twenty. 

An excellent swordswoman and a talented strategist, Nurnour still retains the youthful overambition which led her to mount a daring raid on the Conclave – and the fate of those who followed her into it still haunts her.