Long Time No See

Boy, have I been ill (still am), but starting to work on the screenarchery for my giveaway and a giveaway that happened over on the DA Discord. 

This lovely lady above is Scout. 

A follower over on Twitch gave me the challange of doing a nightmare run, absolutely no mods (even including the *no dirt build up* mod), craft only from schematics you find (so no hitting the golden nug). Basically, playing the vanilla, like a brand new, never played before game. 

She’s a sword and shield warrior (I’ve been having fun with warriors of late) and she’s a female Dalish Elf (clearly). Why I mention this is while reading up on Champion Builds, many people seem to think elves in general look ridiculous as warriors. 

So I’m compelled to show everyone how bad ass Elven warriors can be.

I also used a hair I’ve never used before because HELLO, forehead, but I like it on her.

Anyone that has followed me and watched me stream DA:I over on my Twitch Channel know I’m doing every romance the game has to offer over the next year or so. Separate play-throughs to explore all of the wonderful romances the game provides us. I’m currently doing my first romance with Avarin Lavellan and Solas.

This is Koman Trevelyan, he’ll be romancing Cassandra. He’s an ex-Templar that came with Cullen when the journeyed over from Kirkwall. I can’t wait to get to his game-play. I absolutely adore him.

Mozi Trevelyan was made for Cullen and will be doing the complete play through of his romance as well.