That woman, she’s f*cking fire

She’s a lioness; a beast; a snarling panther

She’s redefining it all

Cracking open confining molds

Creating herself piece by beautiful piece

She’s a constantly changing masterpiece

That woman, she’s fire

She’s born to burn

And make her mark on the world

And kick some a**

And not be quiet

At all.

by Sarah Harvey

Grey Warden Tomas Reidak – Ferelden Griffon

Tom’s father was a Grey Warden and a Mage. He fell in love with her mother, Lilly, who he met in the Deep Roads. When Tomas was born she was taken from her mother and raised in Weisshaupt Fortress. Her abilities as a Mage slowly revealed themselves as she grew, safe within the walls of the Fortress and away from Templar eyes. The Grey Wardens trained her as a Rogue first and foremost and combined her skills as an assassin with her unique abilities in magic. With the veil damaged her powers have become more amplified and harder to mask. Along with Senior Grey Warden, Rosie Cadash and the Ferelden Griffons, they will seek out whoever is behind Divine Justinia’s death. And for now, she has safety within the Inquisition.

All of the lights land on you
The rest of the world fades from view
And all of the love I see
Please please say you feel it too
And all of the noise I hear inside
Restless and loud, unspoken and wild
And all that you need to say
To make it all go away
It’s that you feel the same way too

And I know
The scariest part is letting go
‘Cause love is a ghost you can’t control
I promise you the truth can’t hurt us now
So let the words slip out of your mouth


OC Aesthetic Meme

Rules: Bold all of the themes that apply to your muse’s aesthetic or mood as a character.

Tomas Reidak

Bloodied knuckles | Tear stained cheeks | Rust | A busted lip | Claws | Fangs | A bloody nose | Chattering teeth | A dark space underneath the bed | Scratching noises on a wall | Creaking metal | Fog | Dancing under moonlight| Blood dripping lips | Heavy breathing in the dark | A feeling of unexplained dread | A figure in a dark corner |  Dirty peeling wallpaper | Deep dark waters| A bloody hand print on the wall | Sobbing in the dark | Bite marks on the skin | Eerie whispers | A hood covering a stranger’s eyes | The growl of a hidden animal | The sound of a blade being sharpened | A deep, dark forest | Walking on the streets alone at night | A cobweb-filled, abandoned building | Eyes darting in paranoia | A heavy beating pulse | The feeling of being trapped | Struggling to get out | a scream | Boards covering broken windows | A quiet graveyard | A gas station in the middle of nowhere | A road that never ends | Heavy fog rolling in | The scent of blood in the air | Eerie old photographs | Walking along train tracks at night | A chill going up the spine | Gathering crows | A dusty, dimly lit study | Mist over a deserted cobblestone street | Ghost towns | Shadows around a campfire | The sound of chanting | Church bells tolling | An orange harvest moon | A broken down carnival | A dirty stuffed animal abandoned | Wiping bloody hands on fabric | Nightmares | Waking up in a panic | A power outage | Heavy lightning storms | A secret trap door | The feeling of being watched | Fear from trauma | A Ouija board set out on a table | An eerie doll | A scream of anguish and pain | Withered plants | A room that’s been forgotten and gathered dust | Owl eyes in the dark | Curled, dead tree branches | A ritual altar | Flickering candles | A lantern held up in the dark | Fear of being followed | Creaking floorboards | Repressed, horrible memories | Clenched teeth | Soft, echoing piano keys | An old book covered in dust | Many pairs of glaring eyes | Stumbling in pitch black darkness | Being stranded in the middle of nowhere | Tarot cards on a table | A trail of blood