OC Described by Companions Meme


Tagged by @pazithigallifreya

Here are the rules:

  • Describe your OC as they are described by your companions.
  • Show us what they look like!
  • Tag at least 5 (or more) followers and 5 blogs you follow! 🙂
  • Enjoy writing! :}

I don’t want to pressure anybody into doing this, so therefore I tag whomever thinks this looks interesting 😉

Inquisitor Lyria of the Sha-Lyuzar

Seeker Cassandra Allegra Portia Calogera Filomena Pentaghast

“The Inquisitor is our leader, our herald, the chosen of Andraste. I believe this with all of my heart. If you knew her, you would, too. I will follow her to the Fade and back if I have to”.

Varric Tethras

“Thinking about where the kid’s from makes my head spin. I don’t wanna know those things. If I weren’t shit-scared of the deep roads before, I certainly am now. I didn’t want to talk to her at first. Her kind makes me uncomfortable. And her obsession with lyrium is troubling to say the least. But you know what, I warmed up to her. She’s been through all this shit, and she came out on top against all odds. I wouldn’t want to be in her shoes, but that kid is alright. I don’t want to give her a hard time for her weirder qualities”.

Magister Dorian Pavus

“A dwarf from the deep roads leading one of the most powerful institutions of Thedas, it seems like a punchline, doesn’t it? But she proved the ominous “them” wrong, didn’t she. She charmed her way right into the good graces of most of Orlais and Ferelden. Trust me, that is not an easy feat, I’ve tried. Lyria is fascinating. I wish I could write down everything she has to say of her homeland, or should I say, home-tunnel? I have an old colleague in Minrathous, who’d pay a fortune to study her. She’s like a relic from the past, plopped right in front of us. Oh, you seem trustworthy, be our leader please? That’s how things in the South are done”.

Scout Lace Harding

“The inquisitor is amazing. She’s gorgeous and witty and has a really dry sense of humor. At first she was this figure we all looked up to, but then I got to know her, and… she’s just like us, trying to figure out how to survive and clean up this mess. I’ve spent a lot of time with her and, she’s so different when you’re alone with her. She seems so delicate and fragile, I just want to hold her in my arms and tell her I’m there… forget that last bit, please. Nobody can know of that”.

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